This webpage compiles a list of videos corresponding to the various subsections in Dummit and Foote that we will cover.


(ok one more... 3Blue1Brown video on the Monster)

Comments on videos

Below is a list of comments that will help guide you through the videos.
  1. Read the book. The lectures/videos alone are not sufficient for this course.
  2. You shouldn't watch all of the videos. You need to find your own path through the material. This means discussing with others what you found useful and what you didn't find useful during weekly Zulip discussions.
  3. The videos are roughly in order of terseness. Gross is a Field's medalist and if you want to go fast you could watch his videos.
  4. Collect your questions!I have tried my best to filter for prerequisites in these videos but I will definitely fail in this regard. This is exactly what Zulip discussions are for.
  5. There are a bunch of different speakers in this list following different orders. I have tried to indicate where they are in their lecture series with the "L" followed by a number. So for example "L8" says they are in lecture 8 of their course. Those videos without numbers are not part of a series.

Who is in these videos?

James Cook -- following Gallian's Book
Bendict Gross (Fields Medalist, Harvard) -- following Artin's book; he can be terse but is brilliant.
Richard Borcherds (Fields Medalist at UC Berkeley)-- he is free styling; also this is a graduate course

Dummit and Foote, Chapter 0

This chapter is a little dry. You will need this material to do the homework problems though. If you know how to compute the gcd of 270 and 192 by hand and know how to find integers a and b such that a*270+b*192 = gcd(270,192) you can skip this section. There is also a Khan Academy on this.
0.0: Basics

See my Fundamentals of Mathematics Course for a review

0.1: Properties of the Integers
Math Matters: euclid's algorithm
Cook: divisibility, gcd, euclid's algorithm
Learn Math Tutorials: how to find the greatest common divisor using euclidean algorithm

0.3: Integers Modulo n
Dupuy: modular arithmetic
Cook: modular arithmetic
Gross L6: modular arithmetic

Dummit and Foote, Chapter 1

1.1: Definition of a Group

Neumann: classification of finite simple groups
Numberphile: Monster group

Cook L1: a bit of history, definition of a group
Gross L1: Review of linear algebra. Groups. Examples of groups. Basic properties and constructions.

1.2: Dihedral Groups
Borcherds: dihedral groups (prerequisite: conjugacy classes)

1.3: Symmetric Group
Math Sorceror: a playlist on the symmetric group (broken up, very nice)
Gross (stand alone) the symmetric group
1.3: Permutations and cycle notation
Cook L8: permutations and cycle notation
Gross L2: symmetric group
Gross L22 (Richard Taylor is the sub): symmetric group it seems the Harvard course was a little out of touch and covered the material twice.

BONUS EXAMPLES (if you want more intuition for groups):
Asher Auel: platonic solids
Michael Penn: the alternating group

1.4: Matrix Groups
(You should maybe just read this chapter, I've included more videos if you are curious. Don't spend too much time on this.)
Cook: whole video series on these.
1.5: Quaternion Group
Michael Penn (single video) quaternion group:
Borcherds L9: quaternions 3Blue1Brown: quaternions1, quaternions2

1.6: Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms
     Cook: L10: homomorphisms and isomorphisms
     Cook: L11: properties of isomorphisms
     Gross L3: isomorphisms and homomorphisms
     Gross L4: Review, kernels, normality; Examples; Centers and inner autos Notes for
1.7 Group Actions
Cook L18 group actions
Borcherds L2: Cayley's Theorem (he defines group actions)
Mathemaniac: Symmetric Group and Cayley's Theorem
Gross L17 (skip your first time: Orbit Stabilizer --- needs cosets, needs orthogonal group)
Gross L18 (skip your first time: Orbit Stabilizer --- requires cosets)
Gross L19 (skip your first time): Symmetries of the Platonic Solids, Conjugacy Classes

Dummit and Foote, Chapter 2

2.1: Subgroups (see also the videos for 2.5)
MathDoctorBob L2: definition of a subgroup
Math Matters: subgroups and the lattice of groups
2.2: Centralizers, Normalizers, Stabilizers, Kernels
Cook L3: center, centralizer, symmetries, dihedral groups
Gross L5: equivalence relations; cosets
2.3: Cyclic Groups and Cyclic Subgroups
Cook L9: cyclic groups and cyclic subgroups part 1
Cook L10: cyclic groups and cyclic subgroups part 2
Gross L13: review from their exam (this is only at the very beginning. The rest is mostly off topic and talks about linear algebra.)
2.4: Subgroups Generated by subsets of a Group
Eliot 724 (has ads): subgroups has set generated by a group
2.5: Lattice of Subgroups of a Group
Math Matters: subgroups and lattice of subgroups

Dummit and Foote, Chapter 3

3.1, 3.2: Quotient Groups and Homomorphisms; More on Cosets and Lagrange's Theorem
Matt Solomone 302.2B: cosets of a subgroup
Matt Solomone: quotient groups (prereq: normal subgroups)
Cook L18: cosets and Lagrange's theorem part 1
Cook L19: cosets and Lagrange's theorem part 2
Gross L5: cosets, lagrange's theorem
Gross: L7 cosets and quotient groups
Borcherds L12: cauchy's theorem
Bonus: solvable groups
Matt Solomone 302.4B : solvable groups
Harpreet Bedi: solvable groups
3.3: The Isomorphism Theorems
Cook: L14: toward the first isomorphism theorem
Cook: L15: the first isomorphism theorem
Cook: L21: isomorphism theorems
Cook: L22: first isomorphism, linear algebra, boolean group
The Math Sorcerer: second isomorphism theorem
Michael Penn: third isomorphism theorem
3.4: Composition Series and the Holder Program
Borcherds L29: jordan-holder theorem
3.5: Transpositions and the Alternating Group
Cook: L9: even and odd permutations

Dummit and Foote, Chapter 4

4.1: Group Actions and Permutation Represenatations
Cook: L19: orbit stabilizer theorem
4.2: Groups Acting on Themselves by Left Multiplication
Borcherds L2: Cayley's theorem
4.3: Groups Acting on Themselves by Conjugation
Gross L4: review, kernels, normality; examples; centers and inner autos
Gross L19 (skip your first time): symmetries of the platonic solids, conjugacy classes, class equation
4.4: Automorphisms
Gross L4: kernels, normality; examples centers and inner autos
4.5: Sylow Theorems
Cook: L20:  sylow theorems
Gross L20: applications of the class equation (needs finite fields), sylow theorems
Gross L21: sylow theorems part 2
Gross L23: sylow theorems part 3
4.6: Simplicity of A_n
Math Dr Bob: simplicity of An
Finite Simple Groups
Cook: L21: isomorphisms theorems, mention of finite simple group classification
Neumann: classification of finite simple groups

Ring and Field Theory

Gross L8: introduction to fields